Bask In The Beauty Of Bacon Tater Tot Casserole…Just Don’t Forget To Eat It

Ever have a hard time getting your family to eat breakfast? 

Yeah, it is a hassle in my home, too.  My husband is not a breakfast person and could easily go without eating until 10 or 11 am.  I always tell him that for someone who works as hard as he does, it is necessary that he nourishes his body early in the day so he does not get headaches and become weary.  He agrees, but the problem is, he does not like breakfast. So, I knew he would be willing to try eating breakfast, so I figured all that was left would be to actually make a breakfast he would enjoy.

I put together a list of ingredients that I knew he loved and could possibly go well with breakfast and threw them together to make a casserole.  That is when I came across this recipe.  This dish here is a bacon, egg and tater tot casserole.  It is a lasagna style breakfast dish that is sure to get even your pickiest of eaters enjoying breakfast.

It sure got my husband eating!  I kept this recipe and continue to tweak it every time I make it.  Sometimes I add fewer eggs and more tater tots and other times I swap the bacon for sausage.  The possibilities are endless.





Quick Tip: Use different types of potatoes if you’d like to switch it up.


1 comment

The breakfast tater tot casserole does not list sour cream as an ingredient, but in the directions it says to mix sour cream with the rest of the ingredients. How much sour cream are you supposed to put in??

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