This Pie Is A Classic Dessert Made With Wholesome, Delicious Ingredients

Last month, my family went out of town to a church conference that they attend every year.  It was in the middle of winter in North Carolina and it was snowing like crazy so they did not think it would be wise to take my grandmother with them.  She is a little slower these days, needs her wheelchair for everything, has oxygen on 24/7, and well just a lot to keep up with, especially in the snow.

So, my husband and I who were not able to attend this year due to his work schedule decided to go over my parent’s house and stay with her for the week. My grandma was thrilled! We went out shopping to her favorite stores (Kohl’s and Hallmark Store), had lunch at her favorite spots (Panera Bread and Cuban restaurants) and played board games as well as baked a lot.

We made so many different types of cakes, cookies, and pies.  We would bake, take a piece for ourselves, and then invite people over so they could enjoy it, too.  They were all delicious, but the one pie that caught my attention was Buttermilk Pie. I had never tried anything like this, and yet it was so amazing!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Spend With Pennies.




Quick Tip: Top with fresh berries if you’d like




This a great recipe! I just love it. I made it according to the recipe, although I used only 3/4 cup of sugar, and it was sweet enough for me. I don’t care for pie crust, so I baked it in a casserole. Turned out lovely!

have you made this w/ Splenda? my hubby and others in my family are diabetic, and can’t do sugar. just wondering if there would be much difference in taste.

I haven’t made this with Splenda, and I don’t recommend doing so as Splenda is a manmade chemical. It’s horrible for your body. I have, however, used a stevia sweetener blend that worked great. Try the Trim Healthy Mama brand or Pyre.

Hi Jessica. You really need to read up more about Stevia. Unless it is 100% stevia leaf, which is rarely if ever the case, it is as bad for your health as Splenda. Here is an article that will explain. It’s long but very informative. You’ll see that most items that claim to be sweetened with stevia contains only a fraction of the actual stevia leaf and the rest is added chemicals and gmo ingredients. Take care. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Hi, Gracie! Thank you for your concern. In addition to freelance writing, I am also an herbalist. If you use a high-quality stevia you won’t have any issues. I like Stevita as well as the Trim Healthy Mama Super sweet Blend. Both contain no fillers and are harvested with integrity. P.S. I’m a frequent flyer over at the Dr. Axe website 🙂

I agree. Stevia is the only healthy one. I use the blend too. Going to try your recipe, minus the crust. And I don’t have buttermilk, so I’m subbing plain yogurt. Sounds so good.

Please, no Splenda! That is baaaad stuff. Stevia can be substituted for sugar in most recipes. There are differences in stevia products. My taste buds register very sweet when stevia is made with erythritol, much less sweet when made with fructose. Try a few stevia products to see which you prefer.

I might try it with Splenda…for all you nay sayers..nothing wrong with Splenda. I’m diabetic and have been depending on it for years…reached a healthy age 77 and still going strong! Make your pumpkin pies with it cannot tell the difference.

Terri, I have a custard pie recipe that I use Splenda in… comes out great. I never use as much sugar as stated cuz its always too sweet for me, so you can use the Splenda for the equivalent of about 1 cup of sugar. .

I would truly love to have your recipe for the yummy looking classic pie please want to make it. My name is Kara Jackson

I’ve been using blue sugar as long as it has been out..I don’t think it has affected me..although my kids say I’m a bit crazy..

Buttermilk Pie
The recipe says 3 tablespoon of flour, sounds very little to me …. for a cake/pie of 9″.
Can you confirm if this is correct or not?

Yesterday’s Restaurant in Rutledge, Georgia, serves the BEST buttermilk pie. They serve it warm, with whipped cream on top. Melts in your mouth. If you substitute something else for the buttermilk, then please don’t call it buttermilk pie.

Is the volume of Stevia or Splenda equivalent to sugar? 1 1/2 cups of sugar is a lot of dry ingredient. Is the equivalent amount of artificial sweetener such as Spenda or Stevia also 1 1/2 cups of dry ingredient? I’ve noticed that artificially sweetened Jello or Crystal Light is much less volume than the varieties sweetened with sugar. If they are different, do you reduce the amount of liquid ingredients used when you use artificial sweetener?

I found this recipe in an Amish cookbook about 20 years ago and have been making it ever since. Everybody loves it.

Believe me, the pie will not come out looking as super thick as the photo. Have made it with this exact recipe many times and it tastes good but just not thick as the picture.

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