This Is What Happens When You Combine a Croissant And a Donut


I love these so much that I always want to have them in the morning.  However, I do not want to pay $4 every time I care to enjoy one, so I found this recipe and got to making them at home. I have switched up the recipe many times, too in order to incorporate more things I like, such as chocolate chips! These also freeze very well, so if you are looking for a grab and go breakfast, this would be it!

Just take out of the freezer and pop in the microwave for under a minute and you will have breakfast ready to go in no time! Check out what our friends over at Baking Beauty had to say about this:

“Soft, moist croissant style donuts topped with a sweet vanilla glaze.”

Ahh, so so good! I want some right now!



1 package refrigerated Pillsbury Uncut Crescent Sheets

1 snack-size (4-ounce) Jell-O container of vanilla pudding

2 cups Domino Powdered Sugar

1 tsp Vanilla

1 tbsp McArthur Milk

Vegetable Oil (for Frying)



Fill pan with around 2 inches of oil. Heat oil to 350 degrees over medium heat.

Fold dough in half in one direction then fold in half in the other. Cut about 3″ circles from the dough using biscuit cutter of cup/glass.

Then Cut about 1″ circles from center of each 3″ shape. Reserve 1″ circles to cook as cronut holes.

Gather up scraps , roll and cut an additional cronut.

Fry the donuts about 90 seconds on each side until golden brown.Drain on paper towels, and allow to cool before glazing.


Mix powdered sugar, vanilla and 1 tablespoon of milk. Add additional milk as needed.

Split a cooled cronut in half and fill with 2 tablespoons of pudding then replace top.

Drizzle top with glaze and allow it to set.




Quick Tip: Prepare the glaze in advance so it is ready to go

Thanks again to Baking Beauty for this amazing recipe.


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