This Saucy Apple Cake Is Absolutely Delicious!

One of my favorite things in the world is cake.  I know, I know, I say that about so many things that I make but it is because I just love food in general.  Have you ever heard about love languages? There is touch, gifts, actions, and a couple of more.  Well, I figured out my love language already (and my husband knows it!), it is food! When my husband brings me home an amazing plate of delicious food, I am set and so excited for the day!  It is definitely what I enjoy most (more than flowers, really!).


Anyway, I am always on the hunt for a good cake recipe.  Lucky for me, my husband also loves cakes so it really is something we bond over.  We sit with a slice of cake and a couple of forks taking bite by bite analyzing every little bit and let me tell you, we have a blast!

Well, since I am always on the hunt, I figured I would try something new this time.  I have tried apple spice cake, but I have never tried applesauce spice cake.  I decided to give it a go and boy am I glad I did!

Photo and recipe courtesy of Splash of Something.




Quick Tip: Feel free to used canned applesauce if you cannot make your own.



It would be nice if I could print the recipes! my computer is too big for my kitchen counter! Besides the PC hookup is not possible to use in the Kitchen

I have to copy / paste mine it usually works !…I tried to print the recipe, I got 2 pages of adverts but no recipe…I typed in pages 1-2…guess the recipe was on pages 8 or 9 or something different ! use
less waste of paper !

I copy the recipe (cut and paste) to a Word document, that way you can save the recipe and print it when you need it.

I copy then paste to my notepad where I can remove spaces and print without using my colours for pictures I don’t need. What is interesting is the cake is in a square cake pan but the recipe says to use a bundt cake pan??

Also it says fresh chunks of apples? Not in applesauce so what from. There are no apples in this recipe. Seems to be two different ones.

Settle down, Judith. You can use any type of pan that you want. It won’t change the cake at all; just the shape.

Thanks for the dramatic exit message. We always love it when people let us know that they are leaving before they leave 🙂

I used homemade applesauce so there were chunks in it. You can use chunky applesauce or smooth. For a thicker cake use a smaller pan as shown in the picture.

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