One Special Ingredient Magically Turns This Meal Into A Masterpiece!

There is always that dish that we can’t resist no matter how much we try. Most of the time, that’s fine. If we’re dieting, all we have to do is to exercise a few extra time the next day or eat less the next day to make up for it. It usually isn’t that big of a problem. The only time it will cause a problem is if you’re allergic to this certain type of food and you tasted it because you weren’t able to resist it.

That’s what happened to Sittie. Sittie is the type of person who talks a lot during occasions, which is why most of the time, she forgets about a lot of things. One of them is food.

She is often engaged in a really lively conversation that when the time comes for her to notice, it’s already too late. Sittie is allergic to chicken. Well, she wasn’t before, but since she ate chicken a lot, she developed this allergy that made the doctors prohibit chicken for her.

We were at this party where she was so happy talking to one of our friends that she forgot she couldn’t eat chicken. She reached out for a piece and took a bite before we all realized what she was doing. She started to itch all over after that.

And the only thing she could say was, “it’s this sour cream chicken’s fault for being too irresistible!” Well, if you want the recipe for this sour cream chicken that’s too irresistible, you can find it in the succeeding pages.

Recipe courtesy of Image courtesy of Sugar Dish Me.



Quick Tip: You can substitute breadcrumbs for the Ritz crackers.


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