Keep Calm And Eat These Yum-Yum-YUM Meatballs!

May I present; the most mind-blowing meatballs you’ll EVER taste.

Your store-bought meatball days are over once you’ve tried this super tasty recipe! The aromas alone should be considered illegal, and when you sink your teeth into one of these – you’re in for a surprise! These meatballs are not only swimming in the most delicious homemade tomato sauce you’ve ever tasted. They also come bearing gifts! And by that I mean, they’re filled with something amazing.

You see, there’s a big chunk of yummy cheese inside each and every one of these meatballs! Whether you’d like to use mozzarella or provolone cheese, it’s up to you. You could even switch to a completely different kind of cheese, or add a combination of two, to make your taste buds dance!

I tried these with my favorite combination last week – feta and mozzarella. It may sound strange to combine those two cheeses but to me, it was pure heaven! I’m pretty sure I’ll make them the same way next time; although I’m kind of tempted to give cheddar a try, too…

If you’re in a rush, you could use store-bought tomato sauce to cook these meatballs. But I highly recommend trying the homemade one – it makes a huge difference!


Quick tip: Instead of beef, you could use turkey.



I would cook and freeze then you can throw them in the sauce straight from the freezer. I think freezing these raw may not give you the best texture when thawing especially as there is egg in it.

Hi I have never frozen raw meatballs but I have frozen cooked meatballs without the sauce and they actually taste better frozen then cooked.

I bought some meatballs once and they were mushy and awful. That was the first and last time I did that. I went wacko recently and made some with buffalo, veal, and pork. They were phenomenal.

I cheat … I cook the pasta sauce first on top of the stove … Once it’s ready, i just drop the raw meatballs in the sauce, well covered and then simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours .. The meatballs cook splendidly!! …. Stir occasionally and then serve with your choice of cooked pasta!!! …. Easy!!! …..

These sound awesome. But would have to use a combination of beef, veal and pork. I’ve never cared for meatballs or meatloaf with just beef.

Why don’t you ever use Capitals where they are required???!!! And *Italian* is spelled with a capital *I*, you morons!!!

It’s called a typo, Charles. Why don’t you have any manners? Calling people names is rather unbecoming and juvenile of a grown man. However, I still hope you enjoy your day!

I make my meatballs ahead of time and freeze them. Then when I’m ready to make my sauce, it’s together in no time at all!

As long as the meat has not been allowed to sit out at room temp (above 41 degrees) for more than 1 hour it is perfectly fine to refreeze. Always thaw in the refrigerator . Check USDA guidelines for more details.

Made these a couple of weeks ago, absolutely delicious. There were loads of meatballs so froze half after cooking them. When I defrosted them, heated in the sauce, they tasted just as good.
Love them!

I never have to season my meatballs. I use equal parts ground beef and Italian sausage (sans casings). I’ll try it now with the cheese treat in the centre. Thanks

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