Holy Smoley These Bacon Cheese Bites Are AHH-MAZE-ING!

My husband was hosting the monthly card party at our house. Him and about six of his guy pals play and rotate houses each month. So, about twice a year we are in charge of food, drinks, and shelter. I usually scan recipes throughout the year and look for fun things to make. These guys make great test subjects. They will eat just about anything I put in front of them. One of the dishes that I came across were these bacon bombs on Spend with Pennies.

I wanted to make them for the guys, but I also wanted to try them myself. The night came and the basement erupted with the guys laughing and having a good time. I stayed upstairs and worked on the food. I made these little guys and after I tasted the first one, I was worried they weren’t going to make it downstairs…they were so tasty!

The only thing that saved me from keeping these all to myself was my husband smelling the bacon…he has a sixth sense for it I think… and coming up the stairs to rescue them. I’m not sorry that he did either, I’m sure I would have felt real bad if I didn’t share…maybe.

Recipe courtesy of Spend With Pennies. Photo credits to YouTube.


Quick Tip: Pre-cook raw bacon before assembling these or it won’t cook.


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