Heavenly Hashbrown Casserole From The Stove Top

My nieces and nephews are my life…well next to my own children. I just love to have them over at my house. Once and a while, when my sister and her hubby want to go away for a mini-vacation…I get them for the whole weekend! I really is a nice treat to have them around. The only problem is, they eat, and eat, and eat. Now, they are very healthy, very active, very trim children, it’s just that they never stop eating. We aren’t usually huge on breakfast around here, but over the years of them spending the night, I have learned that serving them a big breakfast helps to starve off some of that hunger for just a little bit longer.

I don’t have a lot of time to cook though, because they are busy! I found this recipe for hashbrown casserole on Spend With Pennies and I knew it was the answer I needed for their next trip to my house. It went together so easy that first time I made it and everyone at the table just loved it.

And, I was right, they played for a few hours after breakfast before asking for something else to eat…instead of just a few minutes. It was wonderful!

Recipe courtesy of Spend With Pennies. Photo credits to TAMARA LEIGH.


Quick Tip: If your potatoes soak up too much of the milk, just add a little bit more.



Why do these recipes never match the picture?? This one looks like it has tomatoes in it, but they are not listed in the ingredients. Can’t someone get it right?????

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