Every Cook Should Know This Recipe By Heart!

You won’t be able to put your fork down!

My grandmother was always in the kitchen whipping up something to feed all of the grandkids when we went to visit. She lived on a budget, though, and didn’t always have a ton of money to spend on fancy ingredients. One thing that she taught me was to never let food go to waste. In fact, that is where I learned that most leftovers actually taste better the next day, after all the flavors had been given a chance to soak into one another.

The first time she made us chicken pot pies, I thought I was in heaven. I talked to her about the cost, surely it must have been expensive if it tasted this good. She said, “Oh no honey, all of this is leftovers!”

I was shocked. How did something so amazing come out of food that nobody wanted to eat the day before? My Grandma was magic!

Now that I’m older, I find myself grimacing when I have to throw out leftovers that sat too long in the fridge. That was, until I stumbled upon this recipe. This chicken pot pie is fantastic whether you make it with all fresh or extra ingredients you have in the fridge.

Even though I can’t make the homemade pie crust that Grandma used to make, this is just as good!


Quick Tip: Use leftover turkey or roast beef instead of chicken for a different flavor.


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