You Cannot Lose With These Oven-Roasted Potatoes!

6 country style recipes roasted potatoes

Crunchy And Savory, These Potatoes Are Going To Knock Your Socks Off

My husband is a great cook. Whenever he brings out the pots and pans, I know we are going to be having a restaurant quality dinner. The only problem is that he is so busy with work and other responsibilities that he hardly ever has the time to cook. And when he does have the time, despite his mad cooking skills, he is kind of afraid to try something he has never made before.

The other night he was planning on making mashed potatoes with some delicious chicken breasts. I never complain about his meal ideas but this time I really didn’t feel like having mashed potatoes. So I asked him if he’d like to make oven roasted potatoes instead.

I knew he’d hesitate because he had never made them before. But I showed him this recipe and he thought it wasn’t too hard, after all. In fact, this is one of the easiest recipe ever! About an hour later we were enjoying these amazing potatoes – I hope he wants to make these again soon because I’m not complaining!


Quick tip: You can use large potatoes, too, as long as you chop them smaller instead of cutting in half.



Easier yet, put cut potatoes in a large bowl, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle generously with
Ranch Dressing SEASONING. Toss several times, then place on the sheet. Simple!

I chop onion, potatoes AND kielbasa into a bowl. Drizzle olive oil then sprinkle thyme, paprika, salt & pepper over all. Toss, spread out on cookie sheet and roast. When done, sprinkle shredded cheddar over all and let melt. YUMMYYY! 🙂

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