Apple Spice Honey Muffins Warm You Up On Chilly Mornings

Sink your teeth into the familiar flavors of warm apples and spice.

My husband and I were like most couples buying a first home. So excited to get moved in, and then getting smacked with the reality of how much work it was going to be. We knew that there was going to be plenty that had to be accomplished, but we just didn’t know the true amount of time that it was going to involve. We would start on a project thinking that it wasn’t going to be that hard, only to realize that it was that hard, and we were still working on it three days after we expected to be done. It’s the joys of home ownership though, right?

I always tried to start us off with a good breakfast when I knew that there was going to be work that had to be done that day. Sometimes we wouldn’t make it around to eating lunch, so a great start was very important. When I discovered these muffins on NeighborFood, they became our new weekend breakfast.

Friday nights meant me in the kitchen getting these ready for the next morning. We could wake up with breakfast already done. That meant no time wasted on getting things together. We could grab a muffin and get right to work. It sure was a big time saver.




Quick Tip: You could also make this into a full-sized loaf of bread instead of muffins.


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