Grandpa’s Favorite Fried Pork Chops

Grandpa was a hard worker in the field, and Grandma was a hard worker in the kitchen. After a day out on the farm, she loved to please him with some of her famous dishes.

Grandpa’s favorite was always fried pork chops though. Whenever they were having these, I was so happy to be at their house. The aroma alone filled the entire house with a smell that was undeniable.

If these were cooking, it made me feel as if I was at the safest place on Earth. When Gramps would come in and sit down at the table to these, he was instantly put into a good mood.

We knew that he would happily share his stories from the day without grumbling about everything that went wrong. He would point out the good parts of the day, the funny stories, and all that we thought that was so exciting.

I now make these for my family and they are always a crowd pleaser. The smell alone cooking in my house brings back the best of memories.

Recipe and photo courtesy of All Recipes.


Quick Tip: Add in some lemon pepper for a citrus flavor.



I do this with soda crackers crushed and love them this way. Does not take so much oil and brien nicely and are tender

A cup of oil that’s a lot of oil for pork chops, they are not being fried they are boiled in oil, and I don’t think I would do them in the oven.

Why is the first comment always a change in the recipe? Either use the recipe or not. Do not confuse the already confused masses.

can’t get your recipes to download – forget it and yes I tried downloading your website and it changed my computer from chrome to some other crap keep your recipes and webpage I’ll find them somewhere else

Joanna, we never ask you to download our recipes or our website. You don’t need to download anything as all the recipes are right here on the site. I’m really not sure what you are referring to.

My mom used to make these. Sadly, she passed away and I haven’t had them since. I am going to try this recipe for myself and my son. Kind of an “ode to grandma” kinda thing. They look delicious, thanks for the recipe.

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