How To Make A Jaw-Dropping Chocolate Cake

Who on earth would have ever known that this cake recipe uses mayo? As rich, moist, and sweet that it is the use of mayo was the last ingredient on my mind.

I thought maybe there was extra butter or perhaps the addition of applesauce in the cake. I was blown away when I learned about this amazing mystery ingredient. And trust me, you do not taste the mayo at all. The cake is very much flavored by the power of chocolate. We all know how powerful chocolate is HAHA!

I know my granny made a mean chocolate cake much like this recipe and it always tasted wonderful. Nobody ever knew that her secret ingredient was mayo!



Mayo cake:

6 Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa

3 cups Gold Medal all purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking soda

¼ tsp. salt

1½ cups Domino sugar

1½ cups Duke’s Mayonnaise

1½ tsp. pure vanilla extract

1½ cups cold water


1 cup Land O’ Lakes butter, softened

1 cup Hershey’s cocoa

1 tsp. vanilla extract

5 to 6 cups confectioner’s sugar

6 or more tablespoons milk



Preheat oven to 350 F, grease and flour two 8″ cake pans.

Sift cocoa, flour, baking soda, salt and sugar into a medium bowl, mix well.

Mix together the mayonnaise, vanilla and water in an electric mixer at low speed. Once smooth, slowly add in dry mixture until just incorporated (do not over beat).

Pour batter into cake pans and bake for 30 minutes or until done.

Cool on wire racks. When cooled, frost.

For frosting, in the bowl of an electric mixer, beat butter and cocoa with whisk attachment until smooth. Add vanilla. Add confectioner’s sugar alternately with milk until icing reaches a spreadable consistency.




Quick tip: Make brownies instead, by using a large oven pan instead of round cake pans!


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