You Can Make This Amazing Dessert In Your Slow Cooker!

One of my favorite things to enjoy growing up was a good ol’ batch of brownies.  I was homeschooled which meant we were at home more often than not.  We did so many activities, but still.  I felt like I was missing out a bit when my cousin would come home saying what she did at school and what they had for lunch.  It seems they always had treats for the kids and that I was missing out.

I really wanted to be a part of it all and felt a bit upset that I had to be at home. Now fast forward a few years and I am a work at home mom.  It is like I never left home after high school (I did for two years of college, then went right back home to finish my degree online).

I find it kind of ironic that as much as I disliked being at home, here I am again.  Yet, the difference is, now I absolutely love it.  I love being able to stay home and work.

And being able to clean, cook and decorate my home.  It is so fun and absolutely excites me when my husband walks in the door to a clean smelling home and food on the stove.

Photo and recipe courtesy of Spicy Southern Kitchen.




Quick Tip: The crock pot continues to bake as long as it is hot.  So make sure to turn it off before it is fully finished.


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