A Spaghetti Pizza Combo That Will Have You Doing Back Flips!

My family and I took a vacation to see my Aunt Sue. She was always coming up with crazy ideas, whether it was crafts, activities, or food from the kitchen. When we were there, she told us we were having spaghetti pizza. I said, “We don’t need both, we can just have one.” I thought she had said spaghetti AND pizza. She reassured me that it was one and I, like usual, thought she was losing it.

Anyway, she went to the kitchen and shortly after came out with this casserole piping hot. We were a little apprehensive at first because, to be honest, it looked a little strange. As we all took the tinest bites possible we glanced around at one another.

When I saw the brights of kid’s eyes light up, I knew we had a winner. Pretty soon we were all scraping our plates clean and asking for seconds. I had to ask my beloved Aunt how she came up with something so yummy.

She said she found it on Group Recipes and handed me a copy of the ingredients and instructions. As soon as I got home we had this again and it was just as good. I’m excited to have this recipe card in my collection for sure!

Recipe courtesy to Group Recipes and Photograph credits to Dream, Wish, Eat.



Quick Tip: Make this ahead of time and freeze it for when you have unexpected guests!


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