Serve Up Some 2-Ingredient Apple Cake With A Side Of Smiles

After the holidays, I tend to look for recipes that will help me get back on track with eating healthy. However, I don’t want to completely deprive myself of yummy treats so baking a cake like this is right up my alley.

This cake is a very satisfying treat! I was super excited to make it because it’s not full of weird ingredients nor is it terribly high in calories or fat. Perfect!


1 can of Comstock apple pie filling

1 box of Duncan Hines dry angel food cake mix


Mix the 2 ingredients

Pour into a greased 9×13 pan

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until the top browns





Quick tip: Canned, homemade apple pie filling is what I used in this recipe and it was mind blowing!



Sounds great! But do you prepare the cake mix as directed before you add the apples? Please reply. TX

Do you prepare cake mix as directed on box first?

It says i angel food cake mix and i can of apple pie filling…that is it…2 ingrediats…mix and bake…i also do same with pineapple chunks and angel food cake mix

No go to next page click on link to
Not a Gormet Chef where recipe came from
Get a “complete” angel food cake mix add some cinnamon I’d say & apple pie mix and that’s it . Did not try only read it all -good luck

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