This Miracle Breakfast Will Turn Your Hangry Monsters Into Sunshine And Butterflies

Just Looking At This Makes My Mouth Water Again

Every summer we have plenty of friends and family spending the night in our house. My husband and I still live in the small town where we grew up, so it’s kind of natural that people who have moved away occasionally come back to visit their home town. I love having guests, but I used to struggle trying to figure out what to serve them for breakfast. I couldn’t just hand them a cup of coffee and a salted cracker, you know?

I also didn’t want to make it seem like I had to slave away in the kitchen just to get them something to eat every morning. I know I would feel uncomfortable if someone would go through all that trouble for me. I wanted them to feel super welcome – and yes, an easy-to-cook breakfast was going to make me happy, too!

I had tried a couple of breakfast casserole recipes before, but they didn’t turn up as tasty as I had hoped. But I wasn’t ready to give up just yet! I combined some of my favorite ingredients, threw in a little bit of this and that – and voila! It was delicious!


Quick Tip: Use your favorite cheese instead of the ones mentioned in the recipe!


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