Grilled Macaroni And Cheese Sandwich – Yes, You read That Right

I am guilty of being that mom that feeds her kid’s macaroni and cheese way too often.

I mean, at least I feel like it’s too often, but what kid doesn’t like mac and cheese? The only problem is, there is always way too much for just the two of my kids. My husband and I aren’t big fans of the boxed kind, so if that’s what they are having, we usually just put the leftovers in the fridge and abandon them for a little while. I’ve tried it, and leftover macaroni and cheese, especially from the box, is never that good.

When I found this recipe on Facebook, I thought that it was written just for me. I always felt bad throwing that food away, but there really wasn’t much else I could do with it. That was until now. All I have to do is toss in some bacon and slap it together two pieces of bread, and voila!

A whole new dinner is served! Everyone in our house just loves these. This recipe doesn’t specify how much of each ingredient you need, just keep making them until you run out. Trust me, as long as they are coming out of the pan, they are going to get eaten right up!




Quick Tip: Try mozzarella or provolone cheese on the outside for a whole new taste.


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