Cool Off With Homemade Peach Ice Cream: It’ll “Churn” Your Taste Buds

Who needs store-bought when you can make something this delicious at home!

There was this time last summer when I went over to the house of my brother to babysit my niece for the whole day. To make her happy, I made her ice cream. It started with her asking me a story about my childhood. Since it’s a warm day, I remembered only one story that was appropriate for the reason. Mom and her ice cream. Mom used to indulge us once in a while whenever we behaved. The indulging actually became more frequent during summers because she made homemade ice cream for the family. Every other

The indulging actually became more frequent during summers because she made homemade ice cream for the family. Every other week, she made a different flavor just to be fair to everyone. Mom had an old ice cream maker. It was just a small box that has churning wheels inside it. It churned the mixture until it finally became ice cream.

My niece loved the story and asked if I could make her ice cream since they have fruits in the fridge. However, my brother didn’t have an ice cream maker. He didn’t want it to be a reason for his daughter to request for the frozen treat every day.

So I wanted to see if I could make her something really good that didn’t require the use of an ice cream maker. This recipe that I am about to share you is what I made. And guess what, it earned me the title, “Auntie of the Year”!


Quick Tip: Top with your favorite toppings such as nuts, whipped cream, and cherry if you’re going to serve it in a sundae dish.


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