Super Dreamy Churro Cream Puffs

I’m a kid at heart and I’m not sorry about admitting that one fact. I still watch cartoons, read Archie comics (they’re my childhood), play video games (my brother found this online shop that sold the old model of family computer, nothing in this world beats that), and watch animated movies. Len is one of my friends who still share the same interests.

She lives far from where I live so when she visits me, I shoo my boyfriend off the living room so we can watch what we want to watch. During her last visit, Len brought a DVD of our most favorite animated film everHow To Train Your Dragon 2. We even invited my niece because she is obsessed with Toothless.

Because my niece was there, my boyfriend was there too. He would endure anything for my niece including an animated film. To accompany us with our film viewing, Len baked her famous churro cream puffs, which she learned to make a couple of years ago.

We were all stuffing ourselves with those creamy treats while crying over Toothless when Hiccup sent him away because he killed his father. That was one heartbreaking moment in the movie. Those cream puffs soothed our loneliness.

Photo and recipe courtesy of the Bear Naked Food.




Quick Tip: If you’re don’t want to pipe the filling, you can just cut the shells in half and pipe or spoon the cinnamon whipped cream in to the shell.


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