Uncle Andy’s Famous Lemon Zucchini Bread

Whenever I say before that Moms are superheroes, I was mostly pertaining to what my Mom did for me and my brother. But now, whenever I say Moms are superheroes, that includes Andy. I really see her struggling with juggling her work and being a wife to my brother and being a mother to my niece. She tries so hard to give more time to them than to her work and I admire her for that. It’s difficult to find a middle ground between work and family at times because while family is more important, you have binds at work that sometimes force you to choose it.

I think Andy’s getting good at balancing now though. She looks less stressed and more relaxed lately. The only ever struggle I know she’s still thinking about so much is my niece’s picky eating.

She still wouldn’t eat vegetables and she only ever eats fruits in desserts. This lemon zucchini recipe is one of her tries lately. She found this recipe and shared it with me so I could share it to you.

This worked for her because she has already added it under the “Vegetable And Fruit Recipes Little Princess Love”. She says my niece can’t get enough of it and keeps requesting for it. So if you’re a parent who’s struggling with feeding nutrients to your kids’ systems, this recipe is for you.

Photo and recipe courtesy of the Two Peas And Their Pod.




Quick Tip: Use a salad spinner to spin out excess water in the zucchini. You could also wrap it in towel and squeeze out excess water.


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