Who Feels Like Yummy Tuna Patties Tonight?

My husband and I usually stick the same simple meals. It’s still just the two of us, so we know what we like, and go with what works for the most part. Sometimes, if I find a recipe that looks or sounds good, and seems fairly easy to make, I will put in the suggestion. Most of the time the hubby is pretty open minded to try new things, except for when I mentioned tuna patties from a recipe I found on All Recipes.

He looked at me like I had a third eye in the middle of my head. He wasn’t open to the idea at all. But, me being me, decided to make them anyway. I wanted to know what they tasted like. It just sounded so good.

When  I started frying them up, of course in he came wondering what was for dinner. I told him and he looked pretty disappointed. I told him to not knock it until he tried it, and that’s just what we did.

I thought they were good, and he loved them! He couldn’t get enough. I said, “See, don’t judge a book by the cover!” This gets to be added into our normal menu routine now. It’s nice to have something simple, tasty, and different once in a while.

Recipe and photo courtesy of All Recipes.


Quick Tip: Dip in ketchup, mustard, or hot sauce.


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