Do You Dare Make This Sweet Date Cake? YES!

The Sweetest, Moistest Cake You’ll Ever Have

I always gladly say yes whenever my sister-in-law Andie asks me to take care of my niece for a day if it means she and my brother can get an alone time. They are both busy with work. And whenever they have free time, they had to take care of their daughter. While their responsibilities have shifted, I still believe that they need to have a day just for the two of them. It strengthens marital bonds, which will, in turn, benefit their daughter. So last time when Andy called if I could go to their house to watch over my niece for a few hours, I agreed.

It was the weather who didn’t. Just as I arrived at their house, the rain started pouring hard. Because of that, the concert was canceled at the last minute. Andy and my brother were so disappointed. But since Andy refused to not have the date night, she decided to make dinner for the two of them including a nice date nut cake for dessert.

My niece, who seemed to understand the need for this, agreed to have dinner with me in her room. We enjoyed the same things as her parents ate minus the candle lights and the soft music playing in the background. The highlight of the dinner for me was the cake. And I will be sharing the recipe for that date cake in here for you.


Quick Tip: Serve with tea or coffee.


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